FirmwareQ5 4K3D*
Q5. CS custom 3.0.4 (recommended!)*
Q5. 3.0.3*
Q5. 3.0.2*
Q5. 1.0.9*
Q5. 1.0.8*
Q5. 1.0.7Q10 4K3D*
Q10. 3.0.3*
Q10. 3.0.2*
Q10. 1.0.9*
Q10. 1.0.8*
Q10. 1.0.7CS Custom Firmware*
CS Custom Q5 4K3D Firmwares Added and updated apps. Ad block.
Downloads (compatible with Q5, Q10 and M3)*
HiShare 2.0.7 APK - Send video/photo/music from Android phone to HiMedia player.
HiControl 5 English - Android remote app. Control all aspects of HiMedia player using Android phone. Mirrors Q5/Q10/M3 display. Compatible with Android 5+.
Increase Play Store App compatibility. Useful if there are any apps for your locality missing from Play Store. Instructions here:
Himediawrapper Use HiMedia player (3D ISO / 7.1 audio) in Kodi.
Kodiloaded. US forum for KDLINKS products. Including A300 - identical to HiMedia Q10 4K3D.
CS Custom Q5 4K3D Firmwares Added and updated apps. Ad block.
* Excellent German HiMedia forum.
Drive mount location? All apps except the HiMedia file browser and player use Android file structure. All directories and locations are subdirectories of root, which is symbolised as /. External drives are located at /mnt/sda/sda1 (Q10 internal HDD only) and /mnt/sdb/sdb1 then /mnt/sdb/sdb2 etc (all USB drives).
Drive mount location in Kodi? Root file system - /mnt/sda/sda1 (Q10 internal HDD only) and root file system - /mnt/sdb/sdb1 then /mnt/sdb/sdb2 etc (all USB drives).
How to make Kodi launch on startup? For firmware 3.0.2 and later, go to apps menu from home screen. Using remote, press menu key when hovering over app. You will see an option for 'default start'. Alternatively, there are several free apps in Play Store designed to do this. We recommend Autostart and Stay!:
Maximum image sharpness? For maximum image sharpness Q5/Q10/M3 screen scale should be set to maximum and your TV/projector should be set to Screen Fit. On the Q5/Q10/M3 go Settings - Display - Screen Size Position and set all dimensions to the largest possible. Settings for your TV/projector will differ according to brand, but on a Samsung TV press the P.SIZE button on remote until you get to 'Screen Fit'.
Stop navigation bar from popping up when mouse cursor at bottom of screen (firmware 3.0.2 only, Q5/Q10/M3) Install this update file: To install copy file to USB stick and go Settings - Upgrade - Local upgrade. It will only remove the navigation bar and make no other changes to your setup.
Make internet streams play using Kodi internal player (dvdplayer) whilst local video plays using wrapper? Install ES File Explorer and change settings-display so you can view hidden files. Navigate to sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/ and replace playercorefactory.xml file with this version: