Today took the plunge and updated my Q5 pro FW from 1.10 to 2.01 and then to 2.03. I have the below problems on both android 7 vesrions of the firmwares.
Settings is not reponding and have to force close by power
Opening Kodi takes a long time and gives messages Not responding close app or wait.
Chrome not responding (pop up message close app or wait)
Does not play embedded videos or seems to struggle to get them to play in web pages and get constant pop up message to wait or close app
You tube app is not responding, you tube does not play videos and starts, then hangs and crashes. Sometimes struggle to close the app, have to force close.
OTA update does not function, had to update from 2.01 to 2.03 by downloading the firmware and update with a USB - What is the purpose of having these functions in the firmware if they never work.
I will revert to 1.10 at least some of the above basic things were working.