I saw there is a new update for my q5pro and installed it...
That was a bad Idea - KODI is a mess now... the ESC key has changed that drives me crazy... but it get's worse.
Nothing works like before - no movie plays, the hmedia player just hangs - black screen.
Guys do you test your software in any way? Actually the box is useless for me, because it just don't play videos at all anymore.
Do I have to reconfig things after the update in kodi? Is this a wrapper thing?
---> I found the problem...the security settings changed and without the user/passw for shares nothing works.
I take back what I wrote about not testing

But I read the release notes and cannot remember that this was mentioned... maybe I was not careful enough.
The new kodi version is not really a step forward from my point of view....
Can I downgrade just KODI to the former version?
And can I remap the "back-button" in kodi so that it works as before with the remote?