Re: Samba oddities on 2.0.5 Firmware
I enabled the Samba service today, to share the internal drive and SDCard. Once the box shows up on the network, it shows "share" as the only share. I used Windows 10 to map it to drive H: to explore it. I was able to see that SDA2 is the hard drive. The SD Card is showing empty under Settings/Storage and this is the second time this box has completely erased the SDCard. I never remove it without un-mounting first.
Odd thing too, I cannot access any folder in Windows explorer but some work fine in the command prompt. I don't understand how or why this is possible? I've supported lots of Windows servers and some Unix servers for a decade or more, so I'm pretty familiar with networking. Bizarre behaviour!
If I map the drive down further in the path it works in explorer up to a point, but I can see the files in command prompt, windows explorer says "Location is not available".
In command prompt, folders sometimes take several tries to be able to access, here's a live example, it took three tries before the path was accessible, no other activity was going on on the box:
H:\sda2\DVDs>cd movies
The system cannot find the path specified.
H:\sda2\DVDs>cd movies
The system cannot find the path specified.
H:\sda2\DVDs>cd movies
Sometimes it takes five tries. I suspect this failure in Windows Explorer is because Windows doesn't retry, like I can with the command prompt.
If I try to delete a file, it confirms deletion, then says "Could not find the item" in explorer, in command prompt, the message is "The system cannot find the file specified." As I explore further, it seems that Windows *CAN* see the files in folders, after a few minutes or if the folder is visible in command prompt I cannot be certain without further testing.
I can't explain this oddity in behaviour, I've never seen a situation where command prompt can see folders & files, and explorer cannot. I run as Admin on Windows. It seems that files and folders are sometimes case sensitive, but not always. Unsure if this is desired for a Windows environment?
My laptop is on Wifi(5Ghz around 430Mbps) but the Q10 is wired GB ethernet directly to the router. Let me know if I can provide any more diagnostic information.