Hi All,
I have seen a few similar issues reported, but I cannot seem to find a solution. Hoping someone can help.
I have a Z10 connected to my home WiFi (which is a Google Nest with about 5 Google speakers acting as a mesh) and my Windows 11 laptop connected to the same Network. I have drives attached to my Z10, and transfer files via WiFi from my PC to these drives. I have mapped the drives on Windows 11 as Network drives.
The issue I have is that after a short while I lose connection to the drives. The only way to reconnect is to restart the Z10 and my PC. Then the connection is restored for maybe 20 minutes until it is lost again. Is something timing out? I have PING'ed the Z10 address after connection drops out, but that times out.
If I constantly transfer files the connection can stay open for hours, but the minute the transfers stop the connection is lost. This suggests to me that something somewhere is timing out?
I have tried turning the Samba service on the Z10 off and then on again, but that does not reset the connection.
I have tried sharing my windows folders on my PC and then using the SMB connection on the Z10 to transfer files that way, which works for a short time until connection is lost too.
I have tried NET USE, but get the message that the device name is already in use.
Any ideas? Is Samba the issues? Is there an alternative to Samba? I am trying to avoid LAN cables. I do not really want them trailing around the living room.
I do not lose internet connection on either device, I can still browse. So I do not think it is the WiFi, I think it must be Samba?