Dune HD Pro One 8K Plus
8K Dolby Vision & HDR10+ Media Player with 2.5" HDD rack.

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Topics - DancesWithChickens

Pages: [1]
HiMedia Q10 Pro, Q5 Pro / Himedia Video Player latest version download?
« on: February 08, 2021, 09:12:26 PM »
Hi, I want to stay at 2.1.4 since i had some issues with 2.1.7, but at the same time use the latest Himedia video player apk on my Q10 Pro.

Is it possible to download the apk somewhere?


is it possible to assign a video player to a specific folder using the playercorefactory?

Right now it looks like this:
Code: [Select]
<!-- himedia player for video -->
<player name="Wrapper" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">

<rules action="prepend">

<!--network protocol rules-->

<rule protocols="http|https|rtmp|sop" player="VideoPlayer" /> <!--all http-->
<rule protocols="nfs|smb" name="Wrapper" /> <!--all nfs|smb-->

<!--internet streams rules-->

<rule protocols="pvr" player="VideoPlayer" /> <!--all pvr-->
<rule internetstream="true" player="VideoPlayer" /> <!--all streams-->

<!--video audio channels rules-->

<rule video="true" audiochannels="6" player="Wrapper" /> <!--5.1 audio-->
<rule video="true" audiochannels="8" player="Wrapper" /> <!-- 7.1 audio-->

<!--audio / music rules-->

<rule audio="true" player="PAPlayer"/> <!--all audio to kodi internal music player-->

<!--specific codecs rules-->

<rule video="true" audiocodec="truehd|true-hd|dtshd|dts-hd|dts" player="Wrapper"/>

<rule filename=".*.3D.*|.*.3D.iso|3D.*" player="Wrapper"/>
<rule filetypes="iso|bdmv|mpls|m2ts|img" player="Wrapper"/>
<rule video="true"  player="Wrapper"/>

This works fine, except for one folder where i store music videos.
I want to play them using the KODI VideoPlayer, because then KODI can shuffle the videos in a playlist and i can play music videos, old school MTV-style.
Right now this does not work, because as soon as Wrapper plays one from the playlist, shuffle does not work anymore.

Idea: assign musicvideos-folder in playercorefactory to VideoPlayer using a rule.
Is that possible?

There used to be a Wiki which listed all possible entries to the playercorefactory.xml, but i cannot find it...
Here it is:
But there is no folder-rule. :\

Right now the only solution i see there is to give all music videos a specific name, like
Artist - Title.MUSICVIDEO.filetype
and then specify something like
Code: [Select]
<rule filename ="*.MUSICVIDEO.*" player="VideoPlayer" />

HiMedia Q10 Pro, Q5 Pro / Apps unable zu detect location/country
« on: December 25, 2017, 06:07:03 PM »
Some apps themselves (Eurosport player) and some categories within apps (YouTube: trending videos) depend on detecting a user's location.

Is there a way to enable this on Q10 Pro?

HiMedia Q10 Pro, Q5 Pro / Using LG Magic Remote with Q10 Pro possible?
« on: December 04, 2017, 08:42:07 PM »
With my new tv came this beauty:
Since it can be used like a Wii mote/Airmouse and also as a regular remote, it would be perfect to control Q10 Pro/KODI with it.
Is it possible to use this remote with Q10 Pro?

If not supported "natively", could a Flirc help?

Any help is appreciated.

HiMedia Q10 Pro, Q5 Pro / Q10 Pro fan broken already?
« on: November 09, 2017, 08:19:57 AM »
This is how my Q10 Pro sounds when i boot it up:
(Excuse the poor video quality, will soon get a new phone)

There is an issue with the fan and i'm afraid it will break soon,
which will lead to overheating and a broken expensive HDD as well.
Now what?

HiMedia Q10 Pro, Q5 Pro / YouTube livestreams not working anymore
« on: June 12, 2017, 10:04:25 AM »
For whatever reason, live streams are not working anymore with the YouTube app.

I've tried several E3 streams the last days as well as other live streams, none will load.

Running Q10 Pro with Android 7 custom fw 2.0.1

HiMedia Q10 Pro, Q5 Pro / Simple FTP app with autostart function?
« on: March 23, 2017, 09:38:24 AM »

i'm looking for a simple FTP app for Q10 Pro.

Configure it once, then have it auto start every time Q10 pro boots so i can transfer files most efficiently from/to my pc.

The last one i had installed was Primitive FTPd, but when i start it now... there is no button anywhere to configure it.

Any suggestions?

I mostly use the standard remote with KODI and therefore mapped some buttons i frequently use with the Keymap Editor addon.

My remapping:

0 = Stop - Since the remote has no stop button for audio/video and 0 is located opposite to >II

1 = Show info - Since this opens video info as well as addon info - convenient

|<<, >>| = Page Down, Page Up - It still works for skipping tracks/chapters, but now it also makes navigation much easier
(You can also use them to rate music during full screen playback!)

2 = Show playlist - Very useful for music playback/party mode

3 = Tab/Full screen - useful during video and audio playback

6 = forgot... will edit when i remember it  ::)

7 = Home - Since the "Home" button on the remote goes straight to the android desktop

8 = Remove item - I use it mostly during party mode playback to edit the playlist

I'm curious - are other users doing this and what buttons have they remapped?

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