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Zidoo Z2000 Pro
Ultra-HD 4K Dolby Vision Home Theatre 3.5" HDD Media Player.

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Messages - Myzrael

Pages: [1]
Aha :) can just rename /system/xbin/su to /system/xbin/zu.
Upload test v1.3 with add of rename for Zidoo su binary(/system/xbin/su) to zu similar as they did on new players.
AppManager is not launcher are simple app drawer use on HiMedia players.
Yep, it's worked. Nothing close to Widevine L3, of course. I thought liboemcrypto repository adds some kind of DRM emulator, but it just lowers L1 to L3, so Netflix shows channels in SD on other devices with L1 license blocked. Unfortunately, not my case(
Waiting  for Zidoo response to Widevine broblem (guess forever), or just recent L3 hack implementation (guess sometime) on my, suddenly, "retro" mediabox))
Thanks a lot for the help, not only from me but from all the 4pda.ru users!

Thanks a lot!
I've tried to install firmware 1.4.12 (full) + OTA update 2.1.28 (and 2.1.40 separately)
AppManager from your link doesn't want to start during the boot (ZIUI Cool error after intalling the test v1.1 version), so I installed ZIUI-Tile-Launcher-1.2.9, it can change the starting shell from the Settings menu (Device - Home).
Test v1.1 doesn't work (Magisk - Installed - N/A)
Test v1.2 is installed, but writes: "Abnormal State. An "su" command that does not belong to Magisk is detected. Please remove the other unsupported su." Nothing changes with the AppManager launched. But it seems to be working, I'll give it a try for a while)
All versions were installed from the scratch (full flash then OTA).

Not help.
DRM Widevine L1 ID of RTD 1619DR Zidoo players is was banned on Netflix and Google servers on began of this year.
Waiting for solution from Zidoo.
Well, maybe it won't help with Netflix, but some other apps are looking at the presense of root, and, as far as I can tell, Zidoo X10 comes with "pre-rooted firmware" or something like that. This fact is considered by some apps as a reason to stop working. So, my goal is to "hide" root with Magisk.
I've already tried many ways to unroot my Zidoo X10 without any success.
My prime question was not about Widevine or Netflix but about the possibility of this script working with my device.

Zidoo X10 / Zidoo X10 + Magisk
« on: March 12, 2021, 10:04:17 AM »
Is there any way to install Magisk on Zidoo X10?
The problem is that the firmware for my device is missing the file boot.img, so I can't patch it under Magisk to flash it with USB stick.
The reason I want to install Magisk is that Zidoo X10 doesn't have DRM Widevine L1 (or any level at all), so I can't use Netflix and some other IPTV apps with 1080p (and above) encription in it.
Something like that with Z-series:

Great news! But...
Will this script work with Zidoo X10?
The problem is that the firmware for my device is missing the file boot.img, so I can't patch it under Magisk to flash it with USB stick.
The reason I want to install Magisk is that Zidoo X10 doesn't have DRM Widevine L1 (or any level at all), so I can't use Netflix and some other IPTV apps with 1080p (and above) encription in it.

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