The OpenELEC firmware development is unofficial and is largely undocumented. The guys doing the work are mostly Russian, documenting it in English would be tough for them. More documentation would be better, but I would not sacrifice it for the rapid progress made in terms of getting features working.
As it stands, on MiniMX is an excellent OpenELEC product.
The problems with wi-fi / Bluetooth were caused by the manufacturer changing the wi-fi modules in the most recent production batch. It didn't appear in the forums because most people posting had the old hardware. So it took a few weeks for those creating the firmware to realise that there was a problem, understand it, and provide a fix (including code for the new wifi chip).
In general, unofficial / open development like this provides the best results. If you compare a product like Venz V3, the MiniMX has had much more work put into it and and is a much more finished product. Venz rely on a few paid coders, MiniMX OpenELEC has a forum community and a very large userbase.