If your V3 boots to the Android recovery menu (could be caused by bad add-on install or other corruption) then the following instructions will allow you to recover it.
1. Download this .zip file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/euwc0661ta1i20l/OpenELEC-TLBB.V3b.arm-6.0.0-update.zip
2. Copy .zip file to root of USB stick and insert USB stick into any USB port on V3. So USB stick should have one file named 'OpenELEC-TLBB.V3b.arm-6.0.0-update.zip'.
3. From Android recovery menu choose 'install from EXT' then USB.
4. You should see the .zip file you downloaded. Select it.
5. The update should progress with various messages until you see a message saying that install has completed.
6. Select reboot from recovery menu.
After completing this process to get a booting V3, we would recommend connecting to a network and performing an update to latest firmware as stickied in our forum (http://www.futeko.com/newforum/index.php?board=11.0).