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Zidoo Z3000 Pro
8K Dolby Vision & HDR10+ Media Player with 3.5" HDD bay and dual HDMI.

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Messages - shoeboxjoe

Pages: [1] 2
Egreat A11, A10, A5 / Re: egreat a10 slow boot up
« on: September 16, 2020, 11:31:11 AM »
all fixed now thanks futeko for the email

Zidoo Z1000, X20 Pro, X20 / Re: z1000 dts and 5.1 music
« on: September 16, 2020, 07:55:17 AM »
thanks very much it worked a treat  ;)

Egreat A11, A10, A5 / egreat a10 slow boot up
« on: September 15, 2020, 11:40:14 AM »
hi can anyone help me ive updated my egreat 2 the lastest firmwhere witch was supposed 2 increase boot up time now it takes an age 2 come on

Zidoo Z1000, X20 Pro, X20 / z1000 dts and 5.1 music
« on: September 15, 2020, 11:22:24 AM »
hi newbie here can someone help im trying 2 get dts and 5.1 music on my z1000 but all im getting is stereo

HiMedia Q10 Pro, Q5 Pro / Re: Himedia Q10 Pro wont show hdr
« on: December 01, 2017, 07:42:06 AM »
box is working fine now after a firmwhere update  ;D thanks guys

HiMedia Q10 Pro, Q5 Pro / Re: Himedia Q10 Pro wont show hdr
« on: November 29, 2017, 01:05:56 PM »
will do thanks

HiMedia Q10 Pro, Q5 Pro / Re: Himedia Q10 Pro wont show hdr
« on: November 29, 2017, 11:51:53 AM »
its the box 100% i taken it over my mates and tried on his tv it does the same and ive tried his on my tv and his works fines how do i check the remaining warranty on this box ive looked for reciept but cant seem 2 find it

HiMedia Q10 Pro, Q5 Pro / Re: Himedia Q10 Pro wont show hdr
« on: November 28, 2017, 07:21:46 AM »
thanks but them settings dont work ive had 2 put it on tv hdr mode other to get a picture but it plays ok just now it does not say hdr in the corner of the screen now i must have a faulty box

What model is your LG TV?  Check the manual to see if all HDMI ports support HDMI UHD Color.

Try connecting your HiMedia Q10 to the HDMI 1 port. Plug the Egreat box into a different HDMI port and see if you still get 10 bit?

My Samsung TV only supports HDMI UHD Colour on the HDMI1 port. If I plug my Q10 into the HDMI1 port I can set the Q10 Color Space to YCbCr420 (10 bit) but if I connect it to the HDMI2 or HDMI3 ports I can only set the Q10 Color Space to YCbCr 4:2:0 (8 bit).
The problem is not with the Q10 but the TV!
iits a b7 and ive been using it down stairs for a year without any problems with my egreat a10 ive only put it upstairs becuse ive just got myself a c7 so the b7 is in the bedroom now
its an hdr demo and it says hdr in the corner of the tv when i play it but all i get is lines theres sound but no picture it has 2 be the player the tv is fine when i put my egreat  A10 on using the same demo

HiMedia Q10 Pro, Q5 Pro / Re: Himedia Q10 Pro wont show hdr
« on: November 28, 2017, 07:15:40 AM »
thanks but them settings dont work ive had 2 put it on tv hdr mode other to get a picture but it plays ok just now it does not say hdr in the corner of the screen now i must have a faulty box

What model is your LG TV?  Check the manual to see if all HDMI ports support HDMI UHD Color.

Try connecting your HiMedia Q10 to the HDMI 1 port. Plug the Egreat box into a different HDMI port and see if you still get 10 bit?

My Samsung TV only supports HDMI UHD Colour on the HDMI1 port. If I plug my Q10 into the HDMI1 port I can set the Q10 Color Space to YCbCr420 (10 bit) but if I connect it to the HDMI2 or HDMI3 ports I can only set the Q10 Color Space to YCbCr 4:2:0 (8 bit).
The problem is not with the Q10 but the TV!
iits a b7 and ive been using it down stairs for a year without any problems with my egreat a10 ive only put it upstairs becuse ive just got myself a c7

HiMedia Q10 Pro, Q5 Pro / Re: Himedia Q10 Pro wont show hdr
« on: November 27, 2017, 03:00:46 PM »
thanks but them settings dont work ive had 2 put it on tv hdr mode other to get a picture but it plays ok just now it does not say hdr in the corner of the screen now i must have a faulty box

HiMedia Q10 Pro, Q5 Pro / Himedia Q10 Pro wont show hdr
« on: November 26, 2017, 10:39:30 AM »
hi all my Himedia Q10 Pro will not show hdr on my lg oled i have a egreat a10 and thats fine with the same files any ideas how 2 fix it thanks

Egreat A11, A10, A5 / Re: posters
« on: July 21, 2017, 09:33:55 AM »
thanks all working now

Egreat A11, A10, A5 / posters
« on: July 21, 2017, 08:38:19 AM »
since i updated 2 the latest firmwhere my posters are all in chinese now how do i get them back 2 normal  ??

Egreat A11, A10, A5 / Re: EGREAT A10 DOLBY VISION
« on: June 22, 2017, 12:01:53 PM »
thanks that's that cleared up  ;)

Egreat A11, A10, A5 / EGREAT A10 DOLBY VISION
« on: June 22, 2017, 11:51:02 AM »
just a quick one does this do dolby vision thanks

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