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Zidoo Z30 Pro
8K Dolby Vision & HDR10+ Media Player with 3.5" HDD bay.

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Zidoo's own support forum has grown in size and expertise to the point where it is by far the best place for technical support questions about Zidoo's products.

There are many extremely knowledgeable regular posters, as well as the Zidoo devs and support themselves, who will give fast and accurate answers to your questions.


Of course, feel free to post here if you prefer.

Dune HD Amlogic S928X / Dune HD Firmware Updates
« on: February 13, 2024, 10:47:17 AM »
Dune HD Pro One 8K Plus firmware updates: https://dune-hd.com/firmware/proone8kplus/

General / New default Europlug to UK plug adapter.
« on: August 02, 2023, 03:30:50 PM »
We have changed the adapter we ship with the UK orders of Zidoo Z9X Pro and Z20 Pro (other Zidoo/Eversolo models have an internal PSU so we send a UK IEC C13 cable).

Power Connections BCA-BK-3A is a new design British sourced semi-permanent fused plug adapter meeting British Standards.

It is more ergonomic when used with the Zidoo Europlug PSU compared to the FCP adapter we previously shipped.

Zidoo's own support forum has grown in size and expertise to the point where it is by far the best place for technical support questions about Zidoo's products.

There are many extremely knowledgeable regular posters, as well as the Zidoo devs and support themselves, who will give fast and accurate answers to your questions.


Of course, feel free to post here if you wish and we will do our best!

Eversolo / Differences Between Eversolo Z8 and Z6
« on: February 09, 2023, 11:28:39 AM »

- Z8: ESS Sabre ES9038Pro DAC chipset (1x8 channel). Z6: Dual ES9068A (2x2 channel) DAC chipset.
- Z8: 10x OPA1612AZ6 operational amplifiers. Z6: 6x RT6863S operational amplifiers.
- Z8: Ultra-low noise power supply. Z6: Low noise power supply.
- Z8: 7 PCM and 4 DSD filters. Z6: 3 PCM filters.

Casing dimensions, LCD display, ports, VU meter are all the same.

« on: November 29, 2022, 02:42:40 PM »
We are waiting for an official build of CoreELEC (Linux Kodi for Android STB) for X4Q Pro. UGOOS have told us that they've sent a sample box to CoreELEC.

In the meantime, CoreELEC can be installed on X4Q Pro using the standard S905X image. The caveats are that wired networking currently does not work (but wireless does) and setting up the Bluetooth remote is a bit fiddly. Playback is excellent with support for 4K HDR10 and audio 7.1 audio passthrough.

You'll need an RF mouse / airmouse because when the box first boots into CoreELEC the remote will not be recognised.

The instructions below will install CoreELEC to a micro-SD card without touching the existing Android OS. If you want to revert to the Android OS just remove the micro-SD card.

CoreELEC installation instructions.

- Download CoreELEC here: https://coreelec.org/
- Burn to micro-SD card.
- Copy 'sc2_s905x4_4g_1gbit.dtb' from device tree folder on SD card to root and rename as 'dtb.img'.
- Insert SD card into X4Q Pro and reboot by pressing the pin remote button inside hole on base.
- The X4Q Pro will boot into CoreELEC auto setup, you'll see a couple of message at top left about resizing partitions and the X4Q Pro will reboot into CoreELEC.

UGOOS Bluetooth remote setup instructions.

- From CoreELEC home screen select the cog icon at top left.
- Select CoreELEC button at bottom
- Select Bluetooth.
- Select 'Put box into pair mode'
- Hold volume- and volume+ on UGOOS remote. The remote should appear in the list of visible Bluetooth devices. Select it to connect.

This connection process only needs doing once.

General / Using the supplied FCP Europlug > UK Plug Adapter.
« on: January 19, 2022, 11:40:47 AM »
When ordered from the UK, we supply Zidoo Z9X and Zidoo Z10 with a 2.5A Europlug PSU plus Power Connections FCP Europlug to UK adapter. This is a semi-permanent fused plug adapter meeting British Standards. After the Europlug has been inserted it is very difficult to remove.

It is designed to require a bit of force when inserting the Europlug. The basic installation procedure is as follows:

General / Resumption of orders to Italy
« on: January 04, 2022, 10:20:30 AM »
14-JAN: We are resuming taking Italy orders.

All the packages ridiculously delayed before Christmas have now been delivered. Please be aware if ordering from Italy that delivery times could be as high as one month due to the incredibly inefficient Italian postal/customs system.

General / Stock Problems Autumn Winter 2021
« on: December 16, 2021, 11:35:45 AM »

Zidoo products are back to normal availability. Check the product pages for latest status.


The Dune shipment that was on hold for 2 months has now been delivered. Please read the important info at the top of the product page description about boxes being unsealed and replacement PSUs.


This has been another difficult year for us all. COVID, Brexit and global supply problems. The supply of Media Players is not the most important issue we all face. We hope everyone has remained healthy and that 2022 can bring better news.

The Real Vision remote is Bluetooth only (for Real Vision operation) and needs to be paired before use.

If it isn't functioning please first check that the antennas are connected to the back of the Real Vision box and that the remote batteries are good.

Then pair the remote according to these instructions:

- Turn the Real Vision box off.
- Make sure both antenna are connected. One is for Bluetooth.
- Press and hold ENTER and TOP MENU on remote for 3 seconds to reset the remote to factory.
- Wait 10 seconds and turn the Real Vision on. Wait for it to boot up.
- Point the remote at Real Vision and press any button. The pairing screen should pop up and the remote pair automatically.
- If it doesn't try pressing ENTER and V+ together for 3 seconds.

Official updates will be made available OTA (over the air). The box will notify you of the update and offer to install it. Alternatively, any firmware update can be downloaded to USB stick and installed through system menus. Settings - About - Update.

To downgrade firmware first do a full / emergency firmware reflash (see link at bottom of firmware section for each model) then update to desired firmware.

This thread only lists key updates, there are many intermediate beta firmwares available on Zidoo's forum.

Zidoo UHD3000 / NEO ALPHA / NEO S / NEO X

- 6.4.42 (UHD3000) / 6.7.42 (NEO ALPHA / NEO S / NEO X). 18-OCT-2022: http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/beta-version-v6-4-7-42-for-z9x-z10-pro-z1000-pro-uhd3000-neo-s-neo-x-neo-alpha-release.94619/

- 6.4.20 (UHD3000) / 6.7.20 (NEO ALPHA / NEO S / NEO X). 28-JUL-2022: http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/beta-version-v6-4-7-20-for-z9x-z10-pro-z1000-pro-uhd3000-neo-x-neo-s-neo-alpha.94137/

- 6.4.06. 21-MAY-2022: http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/beta-version-v6-4-06-for-z9x-z10-pro-z1000-pro-uhd3000-neo-s-neo-x-release.93680/

- 6.3.92. 06-APR-2022: http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/beta-version-v6-3-92-for-z9x-z10-pro-z1000-pro-uhd3000-neo-s-neo-x-release.93323/

- 6.3.60. 25-NOV-2021: http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/new-version-v6-3-60-for-z9x-z10-pro-z1000-pro-uhd3000-release.92034/

- 6.3.35. 20-AUG-2021: http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/beta-version-v6-3-35-for-z9x-z10-pro-z1000-pro-uhd3000-released.90320/

- 6.0.90. 19-JAN-2021: http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/beta-version-v6-0-90-for-z9x-z10-pro-z1000-pro-uhd3000.84816/

Emergency Firmware

Use only if anything goes wrong or if downgrading firmware:


Google Play Services

By default Zidoo's firmwares do not include Google Play Services. To use Google Play Services (Play Store) you must install a firmware version with a _G suffix. Guide here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ALcOI6vHav3t8PgVUxdE0X8xb1aTrmGZ/edit

Zidoo Realtek 1619DR / Recommended Settings
« on: May 11, 2021, 09:19:17 AM »
This thread by Markswift2003 on Zidoo's forum has excellent info, particularly about Dolby Vision: http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/recommended-settings-and-other-useful-stuff-for-rtd1619-players-includes-unbrick.82695/

This thread by Nice Monkey on Zidoo's forum has setup info, particularly about Hi-Fi music playback: http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/recommended-settings-and-other-useful-stuff-for-hifi-players-playback.86336/

Zidoo Realtek 1619DR+DAC / Recommended Settings
« on: May 11, 2021, 09:18:43 AM »
This thread by Markswift2003 on Zidoo's forum has excellent info, particularly about Dolby Vision: http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/recommended-settings-and-other-useful-stuff-for-rtd1619-players-includes-unbrick.82695/

This thread by Nice Monkey on Zidoo's forum has setup info, particularly about Hi-Fi music playback: http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/recommended-settings-and-other-useful-stuff-for-hifi-players-playback.86336/

Zidoo Realtek 1619DR+DAC / Official Zidoo MQA Support
« on: May 10, 2021, 09:37:51 AM »
Zidoo UHD3000 now has official MQA audio certification:


Dune HD Max Vision, Pro Vision Solo, Real Vision 4K / Dune HD New GUI 2021
« on: February 02, 2021, 02:09:59 PM »
Dune HD New GUI 2021

Dune HD are developing a new GUI for their players.

It will serve as a front-end for for My Collection with integrated support for streaming apps. The interface will be of modern Netflix-like design with improved media scraping, TV show support and more.

Loads of info here: https://dune-hd.com/support/newgui/index.html

This thread is for discussion of the new interface. The above link offers Alpha firmware versions with the new GUI. Use these at your own risk as with other Dune Alpha firmwares. We will try and keep the list of links below updated but the link above is the place to look for latest versions.

Dune are looking for feedback on this new GUI.

Please post feedback either on this thread or direct to Dune directly using support _at_ dune-hd.com with 'NewGUI' as the email subject.

Dune HD New GUI Alpha Firmware Downloads

Real Vision 4K: http://files4.dune-hd.com/tmp/dune_firmware_tv175u_210804_0531_r18.dff
Pro Vision 4K Solo: http://files4.dune-hd.com/tmp/dune_firmware_tv175v_210804_0531_r18.dff
Max Vision 4K: http://files4.dune-hd.com/tmp/dune_firmware_tv794a_210804_0531_r18.dff
Ultra Vision 4K: http://files4.dune-hd.com/tmp/dune_firmware_tv994a_210804_0531_r18.dff

Pro 4K II : http://files4.dune-hd.com/tmp/dune_firmware_tv175h_210804_0531_r18.dff
Pro 4K (tv292a): http://files4.dune-hd.com/tmp/dune_firmware_tv292a_210804_0531_r18.dff
Pro 4K (tv292b): http://files4.dune-hd.com/tmp/dune_firmware_tv292b_210804_0531_r18.dff

Note!: We created this thread on 12th August 2021 for discussion of the new interface. In order that our post appeared at the top after we moved relevant posts from other threads into this one we recycled a post from February. That's why the date for OP is February, before we had any knowledge of the new GUI.

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